It is my intent to send out a Message every month or so to keep the membership aware of what it going on now and what might be planned for the future. Please contact me if you have questions or comments.
Just a few weeks ago, our Brother, Paul Sluby, Sr., was laid to rest.The services for Paul were, for those who knew him, just as you would imagine, full of dignity and sincere words of fond remembrance and praise. About eight of us represented the Bachelor-Benedict Club including two wives and one widow. The Club sent a beautiful white teardrop floral arrangement from Lee’s Flower and Card Shop on U Street. I said a few words on behalf of the Club, read a note from Brother Walter Robinson, and gave notes from Walter and Brother Robert Duncan to Pat, Paul’s widow. It is always a difficult experience to lose a brother and friend and is not one I want to go through again anytime soon.
The following is the schedule for events through the end of the year:
Summer Outing Sunday, July 21, 2019 at Martin’s Crosswinds
Golf Outing (Foundation) Friday, September 20, 2019 – Location TBD
Red Sash Ball Saturday, November 23, 2019 at Martin’s Crosswinds
Annual Meeting Wednesday, December 4, 2019 at Sphynx Club
As we approach the anniversary of our 110thyear of existence, it is very important that we begin preparation for ALL of our events in 2020 NOW. To that end, I am asking for volunteers to serve on the various committees we need to put together. I would like to have that done by the end of May at the latest. The committees are:
Initiation Ball March 2020
Summer Outing June or July 2020
Red Sash Ball October 2020 (Anniversary Gala)
Subcommittee for locating a suitable location
Subcommittee for putting together the RSB Anniversary Journal
Subcommittee for getting paid advertisement in the RSB Journal
Ideally, we will need committees with a good mix of those who have been club members for 10 years or more and those who have been members less than 10 years. The Personnel Committee and officers will establish budgets for each event; we will book and confirm fix dates for each event not later than October of this year for the full year; we will look at themes, if any, for next year’s events; and we will market and sell sufficient ads for the Gala to cover the cost of putting together a good sized Journal by the end of this year. We hope our members with businesses will seriously consider an ad of a quarter-page or larger and that we can get ads from other organizations and businesses with whom we have a relationship. We received a $5,000 grant for our 100thanniversary and hope make that work again.
Time is of the essence and we need everyone’s help either directly or indirectly. Please send me an email and let me know which event you want to volunteer for, what you would like to do and a brief statement on any experience you may have had in accomplishing the task for which you have volunteered. (While experience is not mandatory, it will help to know if and with whom it exists) Even if you and I have talked about your involvement in an activity for this year or next, send your note anyway so I can make sure that those who want to be involved get involved.
Jim Collins